Oxgard company truly cares about its clients. We always listen to your requests and concerns and do our best to respond as quickly as possible. Thanks to our long-term experience we know the criteria of equipment sourcing in the field of security that are important to our clients: reliance, high quality, fire safety conformance, dimension compliance and, last but not the least, price.

Taking into consideration all the criteria indicated above, we have created a new product that will conquer the security market. We are proud to present you a full-height rotor Turnstile C-10. Apart from meeting all mentioned conditions, this model has a modern design so it can easily fit in any exterior or interior. The model has a compact appearance and a comfortable passage width of 642 mm.
The full-height rotor electromechanical Turnstile C-10 is available in two color options: antique silver and black.
One of the main features is the affordable price which was lowered without any quality deterioration thanks to the technological process optimization and straight-line production of the model. For we know how important this is to you.
You can see the model technical specifications and configuration in the Full-height turnstiles section. If you would like to ask any question and get more information, please, contact our managers (see Contacts).